9 Ways To Make Your Content More Readable

A blog post, a web page or a social media update…We work hard developing our content and we want it to be read. After all, we have important information to convey that connects with our readers, provides value, and hopefully leads them to making a purchase with us.

Our readers are bombarded with information. Their choices of articles are endless. When they do come upon our content, we want them to read it.

But most people skim or scan content first to determine if they want to invest the time in actually reading it. We need to break through all the “noise,” make it clear what our article is about early, and format our content so it is as readable as possible.

Here are 9 ways to make your content more readable:

  1. Use numbered or bulleted lists. Short lists of bulleted or numbered information are easy to read. Readers can scan a list and take in a lot of information quickly.


  1. Write short paragraphs. No one wants to read heavy copy and long paragraphs, especially on a computer screen or a mobile device. Keep your sentences short and make your paragraphs about 3-4 sentences long.


  1. Bold key words for emphasis. Bolding a few of the important words within your web content will help make your copy stand out. Use this sparingly, or it will lose its effect.


  1. Choose a large, dark font. If your font size is tiny and the color is faint, it will be hard to see and you may lose your readers. Be sure the font size is large enough and the font color is dark enough to be read easily.


  1. Use lots of white space. White space breaks up text and makes the web content easier to read. Put plenty of space between paragraphs and lists.


  1. Add headings and subheadings. Using headings and subheadings within your web content helps to organize your content and make it more readable. Readers can scan the article, read the subheadings and get a good idea about what the article is all about.


  1. Consider your word count. How long should your content be? It really depends on the medium you are writing for. Social media posts will be shorter than your blogs of course, and longer blogs — the ones that run about 1500-2000 words — will outperform shorter blogs when they are well researched and relevant.


  1. Use photos or graphics. Most people are drawn to visuals. Adding relevant photos, graphics or infographics to your web content will help to increase your readership.


  1. Avoid dark backgrounds. It is harder to read text on a dark background. Using a lighter background color – at least where the text is – in combination with a larger, dark font will help with ease of reading.


Making your web content more readable will get your point across, establish that connection with your readers, and hopefully turn them into faithful subscribers and loyal customers.


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